Brendan Schaub


MMA Fighter turned podcast x comedian x entrepreneur, Brendan Schaub is rewriting the book on building it yourself. Whether he's creating content daily for over 1 million collective subscribers, showing up and selling out venues across the United States for his comedy tour, or getting after it in the gym with the boys, a BYLT Drop-Cut is staple to Schaub's routine.

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How It's BYLT

Brendan Schaub

MMA Fighter turned podcaster x comedian x entrepreneur, Brendan Schaub is rewriting the book on building it yourself. Whether he's creating content daily for over 1 million collective subscribers, showing up and selling out venues across the United States for his comedy tour, or getting after it in the gym with the boys, a BYLT Drop-Cut is staple to Schaub's routine.

From the Source

"If you're a bigger guy like me, you don't want that boxy, super wide fit. You want to look good, you want that perfect cut. I wear the XXL Drop-Cut shirts pretty much everywhere I go these days." - Brendan Schaub